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6th Grade PRE-AP Contemporary World – Mrs. Shomer


This year in Pre-AP Contemporary World, we will be studying world cultures and some physical aspects of geography.  There will be several times throughout the year when your student will come home and ask about their heritage, cultural practices and traditions that you or those around you practice.  Your help with these questions and possible projects are appreciated.  Our goal in 6th grade is to uncover as much about our world in which we live as possible and at the same time prepare us to be the global citizens of tomorrow!!


Grading System

40% Daily Grades: homework, class-work, quizzes, warm-ups.

60% Major Grades: tests, projects.


We will have a set of textbooks this year in class that we will be using for our daily activities.  They will not be essential every day in our classroom.  I try to utilize many other materials, not just the textbook.  Homework that requires a textbook will be discussed and I will have given class time to finish most assignments. In general, there should not be a lot of homework.


Homework/Classwork Policy

Students will receive this grade reflecting their actual score on the assignment.  Most of the time, they will grade their homework/classwork the day it is due.  Any other assignments will be graded by me. Late work will follow the school policy and consequences in the MMS program, meaning that incomplete work will not be accepted. The student will turn in a MMS sheet to me indicating why they do not have an assignment.  Failing grades should indicate to the student that they must seek help for clarification before/after school.  Most work will be done in class.  



We will watch CNN student news daily for current events and to keep us updated on how our world is changing and how it affects us.  Students will use this information to create a “Current Events of My 6th Grade Year” ongoing project.



Tests will include chapter tests and notes tests. If there is a chapter test, you can expect to see a review for that test the day before.  If the student is studying the review and knows the material on it, they should be able to do well on the test.  Tests are announced ahead of time, never surprise tests.  Projects also fall under the test category.  Project assignments are due on the date assigned regardless of absence between assignment and due date.  Late projects are deducted 15 pts. per day late.  If your child is absent on the due date their project, it will need to be delivered to the school that same day or late points will be deducted from their final grade.


Eagle Time

Students will have Eagle Time on the block days each week.  They will go to their homeroom and use this time as a study hall.  Eagle Time will never be considered free time. ACMS will expect the students to be busy doing homework, reading, going to a club activity or using their time wisely.


Classroom Rules and Procedures

You will be shown many different cultures and practices, in many different views. We will show respect to each one; you may not be familiar with it, you may not love it…but you MUST respect it!

We have created classroom rules in class, as a class.  Those are posted and should be followed. 


Behavior System

  1. Verbal Warning/teacher consequence paragraph (this is a very long paragraph that you do not want to have to write twice!  You will have to have your parents sign it.)

  2. Phone call home/Teacher Detention 25 min.

  3. Office referral


Lesson Plans

A link will be emailed to the students and parents on a weekly basis via the email that is provided in Skyward.  The structure is in a newsletter format, this is a great tool to overview all homework assignments in a condensed outline. You will be provided details of assignments, their due date, resources necessary, class announcements, and lesson plans. Access to the newsletter can also be found through the teacher website, located on the ACMS teachers page.

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